Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2006-12-27 01:18:17
Size: 173
Editor: yakko
Revision 2 as of 2006-12-27 01:18:52
Size: 213
Editor: yakko
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Describe AbsoluteAltitude here.Absolute altitude is the height of the aircraft above the terrain over which it is flying. Describe AbsoluteAltitude here.Absolute altitude is the height of the aircraft above the terrain over which it is flying. AbsoluteAltitude is also known as '''AGL''' or above ground level.
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also known as '''AGL''' or above ground level. back to FlyingTerms

Describe AbsoluteAltitude here.Absolute altitude is the height of the aircraft above the terrain over which it is flying. AbsoluteAltitude is also known as AGL or above ground level.

back to FlyingTerms

AbsoluteAltitude (last edited 2006-12-27 01:18:52 by yakko)