= Coding Style in C# = Because we don't have a style for Dr. A that isn't C# ;-O These are taken from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/coding-style/coding-conventions When in doubt, see that page. == Variable Names == ALWAYS!!! Use meaningful names! Its fine to use x as a int for a loop, but otherwise your variable names should be descriptive enough for any programmer to infer its purpose. == Public, Protected and Internal Variables | Class, Record and Struct == All of these are meant to be publicly visible (or in the second case, at least visible to someone) to classes in the assembly, therefore they use the same style: PascalCase. IF HOWEVER, you are using a variable name that is the same as the class name/enum name/... then use CamelCase without an _ prefix. E.g. HelloWorld == Private == All of these are meant to be visible only inside the class they are defined and should be prefixed with an underscore and be in CamelCase. E.g. _helloWorld == Private static == Prefix the _ with the letter s. E.g. s_helloWorld. Caveat: Dr. A doesn't mind if you are doing public static readonly values that are assigned at definition to be all caps with words separated by underscores. E.g. public static readonly string HELLO_WORLD = "Hello world"; == Comments == Please place a space after the // or /* == Implicitly typed variables == Implicitly typed variables are always private, and should be used only when it is clear to the user what the type is. == dynamic == Unless you really need it AND you know what you are doing, do not use {{{dynamic}}}! == Delegates == Use {{{Func<>}}} and {{{Action<>}}} instead of delegate whenever possible (i.e. always).