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= Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam =

 * [[attachment:ScotAnswers3.original.pdf]]

= Ph.D. Qualifier Exams =

== Building a Datapath ==

The datapath (or encoded logic) defines the path instructions and data follow
through the hardware. It consists of '''State Elements''' which maintain the
state, and '''Combinational Elements''' which operate on data.
 * Memory Unit holds and supplies instructions. '''State Element'''
 * Program Counter (PC) holds the address of the current instruction. '''State Element'''
 * ALU '''Combinational Elements'''
 * Registers '''State Elements'''
 * ...

Instead of a single cycle datapath, we break the datapath into the following
steps of the classic five stage pipeline:

||<#008080>Step name||<#008080>Action for R-type Instructions||<#008080>Action for memory-reference instructions||<#008080>Action for branches||<#008080>Action for jumps||
||Instruction fetch||||||||IR=Memroy[PC], PC=PC+4||
||Instruction decode / register fetch |||||||| A=Reg[IR[25-21]]; B=Reg[IR[20-16]]; ALUOut=PC+(sign-extended(IR[15-0])<< 2) ||
||Execution, address computer, Branch jump completion || ALUOut=A op B || ALUOut=A+sign-extended(IR[15-0]) || if(A==B) then PC=ALUOut || PC=PC[31-28] | | (IR[25-0] << 2) ||
||Memory access of R-type completion || Reg[IR[15-11]]=ALUOut || Load: MDR =Memory[ALUOut] OR Store: Memory[ALUOut]=B || || ||
||Memory read completion || || Load: Reg[IR[20-16]]=MDR|| || ||

 * Instruction Fetch ('''IF''')
 * Instruction decode and register fetch step. ('''IC''') Here we read the registers because we can without doing any harm.
 * Execution, memory address computation, or branch completion. ('''E''')
 * Memory access or R-type instruction completion step. ('''MA''')
 * Memory Read completion step. ('''MR''')


Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam

= Ph.D. Qualifier Exams =

Building a Datapath

The datapath (or encoded logic) defines the path instructions and data follow through the hardware. It consists of State Elements which maintain the state, and Combinational Elements which operate on data.

  • Memory Unit holds and supplies instructions. State Element

  • Program Counter (PC) holds the address of the current instruction. State Element

  • ALU Combinational Elements

  • Registers State Elements

  • ...

Instead of a single cycle datapath, we break the datapath into the following steps of the classic five stage pipeline:

Step name

Action for R-type Instructions

Action for memory-reference instructions

Action for branches

Action for jumps

Instruction fetch

IR=Memroy[PC], PC=PC+4

Instruction decode / register fetch

A=Reg[IR[25-21]]; B=Reg[IR[20-16]]; ALUOut=PC+(sign-extended(IR[15-0])<< 2)

Execution, address computer, Branch jump completion

ALUOut=A op B


if(A==B) then PC=ALUOut

PC=PC[31-28] | | (IR[25-0] << 2)

Memory access of R-type completion


Load: MDR =Memory[ALUOut] OR Store: Memory[ALUOut]=B

Memory read completion

Load: Reg[IR[20-16]]=MDR

  • Instruction Fetch (IF)

  • Instruction decode and register fetch step. (IC) Here we read the registers because we can without doing any harm.

  • Execution, memory address computation, or branch completion. (E)

  • Memory access or R-type instruction completion step. (MA)

  • Memory Read completion step. (MR)

Dissertation (last edited 2018-12-19 06:34:27 by scot)