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Remote Connectivity and VOIP Hacking

By Roger Gomez

Analog dial-up hacking

Phone Number Foot printing

Phone Number Foot printing



Brute-Force Scripting

Voicemail Hacking

Virtual Private Network Hacking

Virtual Private Network Hacking

Voice Over IP Attacks


  1. What is war dialing?
  2. What two basic computer components do you need to conduct a war-dialing session?
  3. Name one level for categorizing the data collected by war-dialing.
  4. What’s a VPN
  5. What's Voice Over IP?
  6. Besides corporate espionage what other scenarios would you use voicemail hacking for?


  1. War dialing or wardialing is a technique of using a modem to automatically scan a list of telephone numbers, usually dialing every number in a local area code to search for computers.
  2. Dos and a Modem.
  3. Low Hanging Fruit (LHF)
  4. Virtual Private Network is a computer network that is layered on top of an underlying computer network.
  5. Voice Over IP is the transport of voice on top of an IP network.
  6. To spy on your cheating wife.