Internet Client Vulnerabilities

* Of the numerous techniques to exploit internet end users


* Microsoft ActiveX

ActiveX Security Model

* Acting within the model described in the previous section malicious programmers could write ActiveX controls to do just about anything they want to a user’s machine. * The thing that stands in the way is the Microsoft’s Authentication paradigm. * Authenticode allows developers to “sign” their code using cryptographic mechanism that can be authenticated by IE and a third party before the code is executed. (VeriSign Corporation is typically the third party)

ActiveX Abuse Countermeasures

* From a developers perspective, don’t write safe-for-scripting controls that could perform privileged actions on a user’s system. * Restrict or disable ActiveX through the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer security zones.


* Created by Sun Micro Systems * Was created primarily to enable portable, remotely consumable software applications. * Differed from ActiveX in that it included a security ”sandbox” that restrains the programmers from making many of the mistakes that lead to security problems, such as buffer overflows.

Java Countermeasures

* Restrict Java trough the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer security zones. * Non-IE consult documentation on how to restrict.

JavaScript and Active Scripting

* Originally “LiveScript” and is still associated with Sun’s Java, but is actually a separate scripting language created by Netscape. * Blend of Perl- like ease-of-use with c/c++ like power

JavaScript Countermeasures

*Restrict JavaScript and Active Scripting trough the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer security zones.

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