= HW07: Web AP and RESTful Web Services =

 1. Create a movies web api project of type: <<BR>><<BR>>{{http://db.cs.southern.edu/videos/images/CPTR446/webapimvc_project_1.png}}<<BR>>
 1. Create a EF 6 datamodel and database connection for your movies database. Then create a controller of type: <<BR>><<BR>>{{http://db.cs.southern.edu/videos/images/CPTR446/webapimvc_project_2.png}}<<BR>>
 1. User your movies table and allow it to create the scaffolding (I did async methods). When you finish it will say "Scaffolding..." You can run your website at this point and test your system by trying the different api calls. Mine turned out to be .../api/Movies and .../api/Movies/1
 1. Finally make a html page similar to what I did in the example in class. You can see the video here: https://youtu.be/nFZ4h0gHir0

Demo your site for me, make sure it includes all the information for your movies.