= HW12: Google Authentication on ASP.NET core and Google Compute Cloud = Repeat HW 11 but now hosting your website with Kestrel using ASP.NET core reverse proxied behind apache all running on your Google Compute instance. Show me: * Apache is running * Kestrel is running * That apache is accepting HTTPS connections and that you have a let's encrypt certificate working (note: apache should not accept HTTP connections) * That Kestrel is running HTTP * That your app authenticates southern.edu email addresses against google. Hints: * [[https://eclass.e.southern.edu/mod/url/view.php?id=683160|ASP.NET Core Security - External Providers Overview URL]] * See HW11 Gotcha's and other information. * We were having problems determining how to get the system to use https for Google Redirect URIs instad of HTTP. We found a useful answer [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53473317/with-google-auth-how-do-i-setup-asp-net-core-to-request-https-redirects-when-as/53505179#53505179|here]].