= How to install certificates for the Hyper-V cluster =

In order to connect to a VM's console on Samuel from your own computer, you have to install certificates for the four hosts in our cluster.

== Recommended: Scripted install ==

Download and extract the ZIP file below. Right-click on run.bat and select "Run as administrator". For reference, the expected results are shown in results.png.

 * [[attachment:vmcerts.zip]]

== Alternate: Manual install ==

 * Download the certificate files listed below
 * On your windows machine, run mmc.exe as administrator.
 * File, Add/Remove Snap-ins
 * Select Certificates and click ADD. Select '''Computer Account''', and click finish. Click Ok.
 * Expand Certificates and right click on Trusted Root Certificate Authority, Select All Tasks, Import
 * Walk through the wizard importing the certificates you downloaded. (Make sure they are being put in the Trusted Root Certificate Authority folder). 

Israel Cluster Certificates:

 * [[attachment:Og.cer]]
 * [[attachment:joab.cer]]
 * [[attachment:samuel_app_controller.cer]]
 * [[attachment:samuel_scvmm.cer]]

Hyper-Cluster Certificates 

 * [[attachment:vmhost01.cer]]
 * [[attachment:vmhost02.cer]]
 * [[attachment:vmhost03.cer]]
 * [[attachment:vmhost04.cer]]