= Lab 01 =
Installing Windows Server, the firewall and a basic network.

Please read the entire lab before starting.

== Assignment ==
First read the [[WindowsAdministration/VirtualMachineNamingConvention|naming convention]] before you do anything!

Create 3 virtual machines:

 1. [[InstallFirewall|pfSense/OPNSense]] - Complete in First Lab Session
 1. [[InstallClientVm|Windows 11 Client]] - Complete in First Lab Session
 1. [[InstallWindowsServerVm|Windows Server 2022 Standard]] (install the desktop experience) - Complete in Second Lab Session

== To earn points: ==

First read: LabVideos

Create a homepage on your Documentation Wiki and include links to the following pages:

 1. Document the configuration of your network in a new page called "'''Networking'''" using the principles of documenting that we went over in class.  Draw a diagram like you see on the [[ WindowsAdministration/VirtualNetworkConfiguration|wiki]], but make sure it has your correct IP addresses.
 1. Document the process of installing Windows Server (Screen shots are good documenting choices during the install) in a new "'''Install'''" page of your wiki on moodle.
 1. Create a link on your wiki to "'''Lab Videos'''" and link each of your lab videos that you turn in on this wiki page. (new for 2022)

Create a video that shows your working Windows Server installation working. Include a walk through of your wiki pages. Place a link to your video on your wiki homepage.

== Grade Guide ==
||'''Topics''' ||'''Points''' ||
||Video shows working windows 2022 installation (ping internet from commandline) ||20 ||
||Video Shows working windows 11 installation via Remote Desktop from outside your network || 20 ||
||Video talks through your Networking Documentation ||15 ||
||Video talks through your Installation Documentation ||15 ||
||Wiki contains a home page with links to the three pages listed above ||30 ||