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Revision 13 as of 2015-09-17 12:53:21
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Editor: scot
Revision 20 as of 2020-08-11 18:02:46
Size: 2074
Editor: scot
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We are going to install AD in a single Domain for right now. You will notice that there doesn't seem to be install directions for AD DS in the book. A cryptic note at the end of Chapter 3 (Referenced in the previous assignment) gives some very high level advice on how to accomplish this. For this lab we will perform the following: We are going to install AD in a single Domain for right now. For this lab we will perform the following:
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 1. Change the hostname of your server to match the naming convention. Namely: "cpte230a" (do this first!!!)
 1. Install a new Forest with a single domain {{{[your username].internal}}}
  a. {{{> Install-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools}}}
  a. {{{> Install-ADDSForest -ForestMode Win2012R2 -DomainMode Win2012R2 -DomainName "dra.internal"}}}
 1. Change the hostname of your server to match the naming convention. Namely: "cpte230a" (if you haven't done this, do this first!!!)
 1. Install a new Forest with a single domain {{{cpte230.internal}}}
  a. {{{> Install-WindowsFeature -name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools}}}
  a. {{{> Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "scot.local" -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DomainMode WinThreshold -DomainNetbiosName "scot" -ForestMode WinThreshold -InstallDns:$true}}}
Line 10: Line 10:
  a. Change your DNS from to your IP address.   a. Change your DNS from|3 to your IP address (
Line 12: Line 12:
 1. Make an administrative user for grading purposes name this user.
  a. Create a new user with username "dra"
  a. Give the user a password. '''You must turn this in as part of your assignment, or I can't grade your work!'''
  a. Add the user to the "Domain Admins" and "Enterprise Admins" groups.
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||Video shows that the server indeed does have AD installed ||50 || ||Video shows that the server indeed does have AD installed <<BT>>PS> Get-Service adws,kdc,netlogon,dns<<BR>>PS> Get-ADDomainController<<BR>>PS> Get-ADDomain <<BR>>PS> Get-ADForest scot.local<<BR>>PS> Get-SmbShare<<BR>>Hostname changed as required<<BR>>Domain name changed as required<<BR>>Timezone set to Eastern ||50 ||

Lab 2

We are going to install AD in a single Domain for right now. For this lab we will perform the following:

  1. Change the hostname of your server to match the naming convention. Namely: "cpte230a" (if you haven't done this, do this first!!!)
  2. Install a new Forest with a single domain cpte230.internal

    1. > Install-WindowsFeature -name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

    2. > Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "scot.local" -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DomainMode WinThreshold -DomainNetbiosName "scot" -ForestMode WinThreshold -InstallDns:$true

  3. Some Clean up...
    1. Make sure you are in the Eastern Time Zone
    2. Change your DNS from|3 to your IP address (
    3. Check to make sure your installation went as expected. Use some of the tools I've shown you in class (AD Users and Comps., ADSIEdit ...)


Document the process that you used in installing your active directory in a new page "Domain". Make sure to include the commands you entered in PowerShell!

  1. Computer Name: [...]
  2. Domain Name: [...]
  3. Commands used in order from the Power Shell prompt.
  4. Any other changes you made at this point.

Create a video that talks through the documentation you created and shows the server has active directory installed and operational. The easiest way to do this is pull up the Active Directory Users and Computers tool and show the domain.

Grade Guide



Video walks throught the doucmentation page "Domain" linked from the Documentation Wiki home page with all four parts shown


Video shows that the server indeed does have AD installed <<BT>>PS> Get-Service adws,kdc,netlogon,dns
PS> Get-ADDomainController
PS> Get-ADDomain
PS> Get-ADForest scot.local
PS> Get-SmbShare
Hostname changed as required
Domain name changed as required
Timezone set to Eastern


WindowsAdministration/Lab02SetupActiveDirectory (last edited 2024-09-05 17:54:49 by scot)