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Editor: scot
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Editor: scot
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Mobile Bible Beliefs Project

The project has seen many different implementations and this is the Mobile version. First we will consider the goals of the project and second, we will include a requirements document. Below is a list of sub documents:


Users will login to the application so that they can store their study information in the "cloud."

User will read the Bible chapter-by-chapter and record their beliefs under different topics. Each topic will have zero or more beliefs and each belief will have zero or more supporting Bible texts. The relationships between these is shown as follows:

  • <<latex($Topics \leftarrow Beliefs \leftarrow Texts$)>>

Each user will maintain their own set of topics, beliefs and Bible texts and be able to sync their information with a central data "cloud" service.

The goal is for each user to read gain an understanding of their own beliefs and Biblical support through the reading of the Bible.

Supporting Documents

scot/BibleBeliefsProjectMobile (last edited 2020-01-26 17:20:29 by scot)