## page was renamed from Csce810 = Information Retreival = * [[unl/Csce810Chapter2|Csce810Chapter2]] Modeling {{{ @MISC{SpamTRECTalk, author = {Gordan V. Cormack and Thomas R. Lynam}, title = {Presentation: Overview of the TREC 2005 Spam Track}, year = {2005}, howpublished = {http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~gvcormac/trecspamtrack05/trecspam05talk.pdf}, } @MISC{SpamTrackEvaluationToolKit, author = {Thomas R. Lynam}, title = {TREC Spam Filter Evaluation Tool Kit}, year = {2005}, howpublished = {http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~trlynam/spamjig/howto.html}, } @MISC{SpamCorpusCreation, author = {Gordan V. Cormack and Thomas R. Lynam}, title = {Spam Corpus Creation for TREC}, year = {2005}, howpublished = {http://www.ceas.cc/papers-2005/162.pdf}, } @MISC{SpamTRECOverview, author = {Gordan V. Cormack and Thomas R. Lynam}, title = {Overview of the TREC 2005 Spam Track}, year = 2005, howpublished = {http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~gvcormac/trecspamtrack05/trecspam05paper.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{sahami98bayesian, author = {Mehran Sahami and Susan Dumais and David Heckerman and Eric Horvitz}, title = {A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk {E}-Mail}, booktitle = {Learning for Text Categorization: Papers from the 1998 Workshop}, publisher = {AAAI Technical Report WS-98-05}, address = {Madison, Wisconsin}, year = 1998, url = "citeseer.csail.mit.edu/sahami98bayesian.html" , } @INCOLLECTION{cohen96learning, author = {Cohen, W.W.}, title = {Learning to Classify {E}nglish Text with {ILP} Methods}, booktitle = {Advances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming}, publisher = {IOS Press}, editor = {De Raedt, L.}, pages = {124-143}, year = 1996, url = "citeseer.csail.mit.edu/cohen96learning.html" , } @INPROCEEDINGS{1099671, author = {Paul-Alexandru Chirita and J\&\#246;rg Diederich and Wolfgang Nejdl}, title = {MailRank: using ranking for spam detection}, booktitle = {CIKM '05: Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management}, year = 2005, isbn = {1-59593-140-6}, pages = {373--380}, location = {Bremen, Germany}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1099554.1099671}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @ARTICLE{945157, author = {Eric Allman}, title = {Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, the FTC, and Spam}, journal = {Queue}, volume = 1, number = 6, year = 2003, issn = {1542-7730}, pages = {62--69}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/945131.945157}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @MISC{IBMSpamHistory, author = {J. S. Kelly}, title = {A brief history of spam}, year = {2002}, howpublished = {http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-spam/l-spam.html}, } @ARTICLE{NewScientist1994, AUTHOR = {Charles Arthur}, TITLE = {A Spammer in the Networks}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {New Scientist}, number = {1952}, month = {November 19}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{1052678, author = {Jeremy Blosser and David Josephsen}, title = {Scalable Centralized Bayesian Spam Mitigation with Bogofilter}, booktitle = {LISA '04: Proceedings of the 18th USENIX conference on System administration}, year = 2004, pages = {1--20}, location = {Atlanta, GA}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, address = {Berkeley, CA, USA}, file = {H:\\unl\\CSCE810\\Final Project and Presentation\\blosser.pdf} } @MISC{PaulGraham2002, author = {Paul Graham}, title = {A Plan for Spam}, year = {2002}, howpublished = {Talk at MIT: http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html}, } @ARTICLE{1039625, author = {Le Zhang and Jingbo Zhu and Tianshun Yao}, title = {An evaluation of statistical spam filtering techniques}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP)}, volume = 3, number = 4, year = 2004, issn = {1530-0226}, pages = {243--269}, doi = {http://0-doi.acm.org.library.unl.edu:80/10.1145/1039621.1039625}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @ARTICLE{1005337, author = {Herbert K. H. Lee and Merlise A. Clyde}, title = {Lossless Online Bayesian Bagging}, journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, volume = 5, year = 2004, issn = {1533-7928}, pages = {143--151}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, } @ARTICLE{636752, author = {Richie Hindle}, title = {An introduction to the Spambayes project}, journal = {Linux J.}, volume = 2003, number = 107, year = 2003, issn = {1075-3583}, pages = 2, publisher = {Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.}, address = {Seattle, WA, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{1014066, author = {Nilesh Dalvi and Pedro Domingos and Mausam and Sumit Sanghai and Deepak Verma}, title = {Adversarial classification}, booktitle = {KDD '04: Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining}, year = 2004, isbn = {1-58113-888-9}, pages = {99--108}, location = {Seattle, WA, USA}, doi = {http://0-doi.acm.org.library.unl.edu:80/10.1145/1014052.1014066}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @ARTICLE{980243, author = {Meng Weng Wong}, title = {SPF overview}, journal = {Linux J.}, volume = 2004, number = 120, year = 2004, issn = {1075-3583}, pages = 2, publisher = {Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.}, address = {Seattle, WA, USA}, } @ARTICLE{1105677, author = {Vipul Ved Prakash and Adam O'Donnell}, title = {Fighting spam with reputation systems}, journal = {Queue}, volume = 3, number = 9, year = 2005, issn = {1542-7730}, pages = {36--41}, doi = {http://0-doi.acm.org.library.unl.edu:80/10.1145/1105664.1105677}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @ARTICLE{280336, author = {Lorrie Faith Cranor and Brian A. LaMacchia}, title = {Spam!}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, volume = 41, number = 8, year = 1998, issn = {0001-0782}, pages = {74--83}, doi = {http://0-doi.acm.org.library.unl.edu:80/10.1145/280324.280336}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{1028838, author = {Jaeyeon Jung and Emil Sit}, title = {An empirical study of spam traffic and the use of DNS black lists}, booktitle = {IMC '04: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement}, year = 2004, isbn = {1-58113-821-0}, pages = {370--375}, location = {Taormina, Sicily, Italy}, doi = {http://0-doi.acm.org.library.unl.edu:80/10.1145/1028788.1028838}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{963658, author = {Cormac O'Brien and Carl Vogel}, title = {Spam filters: bayes vs. chi-squared; letters vs. words}, booktitle = {ISICT '03: Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on Information and communication technologies}, year = 2003, pages = {291--296}, location = {Dublin, Ireland}, publisher = {Trinity College Dublin}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{delCastillo20051, author = {del Castillo, M. D. and Serrano, J. I.}, title = {An interactive hybrid system for identifying and filtering unsolicited email}, booktitle = {Web Intelligence, 2005. Proceedings. The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on}, year = 2005, pages = {814--815}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Lazzari20051, author = {Lazzari, L. and Mari, M. and Poggi, A.}, title = {CAFE - collaborative agents for filtering e-mails}, booktitle = {Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprise, 2005. 14th IEEE International Workshops on}, year = 2005, pages = {356--361}, } @MISC{canspam, author = {Unknown}, title = {The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers}, year = {2004}, howpublished = {http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/canspam.htm}, } @MISC{, author = {Conrad Burns and Ron Wyden}, title = {CAN-SPAM Act of 2003}, year = {2003}, howpublished = {http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_bills&docid=f:s877enr.txt.pdf}, } }}}