Chapter 1 + Section 2.1 Introduction


Information Retrieval Process

Section 2.2 A taxonomy of Information Retrieval Models

Section 2.3 Retrieval: Ad hoc and Filtering

An information retrieval model is a quadruple $D,Q,F,R(q_i , d_j))$ where 
\item $D$ is a set composed of logical views (or representations) for the documents in the collection.
\item $Q$ is a set composed of logical views (or representations) for the user information needs. Such representations are called queries
\item $F$ is a framework for modeling document representations, queries and their relationships.
\item $R(q_i,d_j)$ is a ranging function wich associates a real number with a query $q_i \in Q$ and a document represenation $d_j \in D$. Such ranking defines an ordering among the documents with regard to the query $q_i$.