Drone Check List
Pre-Flight Checklist
- Mobile Wifi OFF
- Remove the propeller holder
- Remove the gimbal protector from the camera
- Unfold the front arms first, rear arms second, propellors last
- Install the control sticks on the controller
- Connect your cell phone
Power on/off the Controller / Aircraft
- Push power button once
- Press and hold the power button to turn on
Start Drone Process
- Hold both sticks down and in until the propellers start to spin
- Release both stick simultaneously
Flight Controls
- Left Stick
- Up/Down for altitude
- Left/Right for orientation
- Right Stick
- Up/Down
Forward/Back - Left/Right
Move Left/Right
- Up/Down
Return to Home (RTH)
- Press once to stop and hover
- Press and hold to return to home
- Left: Down
- On Ground, Left: Down and In to stop propellors
Flight Modes
- Normal – Uses GPS and Camera to stabilize and orient self.
- RTH (Return to Home) / Pause
- ATTI (Attitude mode)
If sensor failure
Camera Control
- Left, index finger dial to adjust gimble tilt
- Right, Index finger to start stop recording
- Right Thumb, toggle from Video and Photo mode.
- Left Thumb + dial to adjust zoom