Drone Check List

Pre-Flight Checklist

  1. Mobile Wifi OFF
  2. Remove the propeller holder
  3. Remove the gimbal protector from the camera
  4. Unfold the front arms first, rear arms second, propellors last
  5. Install the control sticks on the controller
  6. Connect your cell phone

Power on/off the Controller / Aircraft

  1. Push power button once
  2. Press and hold the power button to turn on

Start Drone Process

  1. Hold both sticks down and in until the propellers start to spin
  2. Release both stick simultaneously

Flight Controls

  1. Left Stick
    1. Up/Down for altitude
    2. Left/Right for orientation
  2. Right Stick
    1. Up/Down Forward/Back
    2. Left/Right Move Left/Right

Return to Home (RTH)


  1. Left: Down
  2. On Ground, Left: Down and In to stop propellors

Flight Modes


  1. RTH (Return to Home) / Pause
  2. ATTI (Attitude mode) If sensor failure

Camera Control

DroneCheckList (last edited 2024-09-17 16:18:24 by scot)