Differences between revisions 64 and 125 (spanning 61 versions)
Revision 64 as of 2014-07-30 18:36:46
Size: 5889
Editor: scot
Revision 125 as of 2021-01-04 17:17:12
Size: 7741
Editor: scot
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Southern Shipping Info ==
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== Southern Shipping Info == There has been a change of Shipping Address (9/2018). It now says 5006 University Drive.

 * Be sure to include “Unit 370” or it might sit at the post office and be returned to sender. You can write it several ways:
 * All on one line, “5006 University Drive, Unit 370”
 * Two lines, “5006 University Drive / Unit 370”
 * Minimalist, “5006 University Dr #370”
 * For packages that are over 50 lbs. or really large, try 5010 University Drive first. The post office’s maximum weight and dimensions for acceptance are less than UPS’s and the packages could technically be refused. (Recent discovery!)

The old addresses (4881 Taylor Circle, 5010 University Drive) will continue to behave the same as they did before. They will not pass address validation by websites, but not all websites require it yet. The new address will pass address validation.

5006 University Drive, Unit 370
Collegedale, TN 37313
Line 12: Line 27:
 * [[http://www.cs.southern.edu/jbeckett/servers.html|Dr. Beckett's List of CS servers]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=KVXYBzrLH0mrHfnKe2uaR5RlTb1a0NAIzNoTY-cn3VvFnnVXbbpH286zCGgssoCDrhe3MOy1Trw.&URL=http://e5.onthehub.com/WebStore/Welcome.aspx?ws=62de3afd-7b9b-e011-969d-0030487d8897|Dream Spark - New link]]
Line 13: Line 30:
 * [[http://www.cs.southern.edu/jbeckett/servers.html|Dr. Beckett's List of CS servers]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=KVXYBzrLH0mrHfnKe2uaR5RlTb1a0NAIzNoTY-cn3VvFnnVXbbpH286zCGgssoCDrhe3MOy1Trw.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fe5.onthehub.com%2fWebStore%2fWelcome.aspx%3fws%3d62de3afd-7b9b-e011-969d-0030487d8897|Dream Spark - New link]]
== Event Schedules ==

 * [[https://calendar.e.southern.edu/southern.adventist.university/monthly|Calendar]]
 * [[https://myaccess.southern.edu/mvc/roomschedule|Classroom Schedule]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/safety/|COVID safety Procedures and Information]]
   *[[Temporary Screening Station Schedule (thru 1/18/2021)|attachment:DELETE_2_1_2021.png]]
Line 18: Line 39:
=== Fall 2020 ===

 * [[https://www.southern.edu/safety/index.html|Southern Safety Efforts]] and [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_fb3JUgH8naoHre9lRFDFbwKoY3XD-1Oo-yywK_IhRo/edit|A google doc with history]]
 * [[https://southern.edu/daily|Daily COVID Madness for students and teachers]]
 * [[https://southern.edu/guest|COVID madness for visitors]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/safety/cases.html|Curent Cases]]
 * [[http://southern.edu/coronavirus|General Info about disease on campus]]
 * /BookStoreInformation

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 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Documents/Advising%20Guide%202014%20FINAL.pdf#page=52|B.A. Computer Science]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Documents/Advising%20Guide%202014%20FINAL.pdf#page=53|B.S. Computer Science]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Documents/Advising%20Guide%202014%20FINAL.pdf#page=54|B.S. Computer Science Embedded Systems]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Documents/Advising%20Guide%202014%20FINAL.pdf#page=55|B.S. Computer System Administration]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Documents/Advising%20Guide%202014%20FINAL.pdf|Guide to Academic Advising]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/records/Pages/catalogs.aspx|Course Catalogs]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/apps/CourseSchedule/default.aspx|Course Schedule]]
 * SouthernAdventistUniversityWritingCenter
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/administration/records/docs/advising-guide-COVER-20-21_FINAL.pdf|Advising Guide 2020-2021]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/administration/records/docs/AdvisingGuide1920.pdf|Advising Guide 2019-2020]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/administration/records/docs/AdvisingGuide20182019.pdf|Advising Guide 2018-2019]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/administration/records/docs/AdvisingGuide1718.pdf|Advising Guide 2017-2018]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/administration/records/docs/AdvisingGuide2016-2017.pdf|Advising Guide 2016-2017]]
 * [[http://southern.catalog.acalog.com/|Course Catalogs]]
 * [[https://myaccess.southern.edu/apps/courseschedule/Default.aspx|Course Schedule]]
Line 29: Line 62:
 * [[StudentSupportForAtRiskStudents|Student support and early alert for at risk students]]
 * [[FinancialIssuesWithDroppingClasses|Financial issues with dropping classes]]
Line 32: Line 67:
 * '''New: ''' [[https://myaccess.southern.edu/AppNet/UnityForm.aspx?key=UFKey|Academic Petition Form online]]
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 * [[https://myaccess.southern.edu/apps/Register/Advisees.aspx|My Advisees]]
 * [[https://myaccess.southern.edu/apps/CourseSchedule2/roster.aspx|Picture Rosters]]
Line 36: Line 74:
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/administration/records/waitlist.html|Wait-listing FAQ]] starting in 2017-2016 school year.
Line 40: Line 79:

 * [[https://www.southern.edu/PublishingImages/about/event_calendar.pdf|Calendar of events 2013-2014]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/app/Pages/profile.aspx|This is your profile link that also includes financial info etc.]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/notify|Emergency Text Message Notification]]
 * [[http://twitter.com/southernnews|Southern Twitter]]
 * [[http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Adventist-University-Official/212958875599|Southern on Facebook]]
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/campustalk|Campus Talk]] - For items and discussion relating specifically to university faculty. When posting to this forum, please email to faculty-net@southern.edu.
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/access/display|Announcements at dorms and cafeteria]]
 * SouthernCommunicationPage
Line 50: Line 82:
 * [[https://teams.southern.edu/teams/undergradcouncil/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx|UnderGrad SharePoint]]
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/services/upar/|Unit Planning and Assessment Report - UPAR]]
Line 51: Line 85:
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/sites/academics/Documents/Committee%20Membership.pdf|Committee Membership 2014-15]]
== Network Related Links ==
 * ellis.sau.southern.edu - contains public information like building plans etc.
 * [[http://www.southern.edu/academics/academic-sites/online-campus/videoforinstruction.html|Recording Studio for recording lectures/tutorials]]
Line 54: Line 92:
 * [[attachment:Orientation Poster 2018-2019.pdf|Orientation Schedule 2018-2019 School Year]]
 * Calendar Dates for Student Organizations [NEEDED]
Line 55: Line 95:
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/PublishingImages/about/event_calendar.pdf|Events Calendar 2011-2012]]
 * Calendar Dates for Student Organizations 2011-2012.pdf [NEEDED]

== Manage Class Email Lists ==

 * [[http://lists.southern.edu/mailman/admindb/cpte-105-a|105A]]
 * [[http://lists.southern.edu/mailman/admindb/cpte-105-b|105B]]
 * [[http://lists.southern.edu/mailman/admindb/cpte-106-a|106A]]
 * [[http://lists.southern.edu/mailman/admindb/cpte-106-b|106B]]
 * [[http://lists.southern.edu/mailman/admindb/cpte-107-a|107A]]

== SOC Links ==
SOC Links
Line 69: Line 98:
 * [[http://hw.cs.southern.edu/Rooms|Room Reservations]]
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 * /LoadDefinitions
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 * /ExpenseReportInstructions
 * /BookStore
Line 83: Line 115:
 * [[https://www.southern.edu/hr/Documents/Request for Labor Assignment.pdf|Labor Request for Assignment Document]]  * [[https://www.southern.edu/hr/Documents/Request%20for%20Labor%20Assignment.pdf|Labor Request for Assignment Document]]
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 * [[https://www.ascendtowholeness.org|Healthcare]]

Southern Adventist University Resources for Faculty and Students

Southern Shipping Info

There has been a change of Shipping Address (9/2018). It now says 5006 University Drive.

  • Be sure to include “Unit 370” or it might sit at the post office and be returned to sender. You can write it several ways:
  • All on one line, “5006 University Drive, Unit 370”
  • Two lines, “5006 University Drive / Unit 370”
  • Minimalist, “5006 University Dr #370”
  • For packages that are over 50 lbs. or really large, try 5010 University Drive first. The post office’s maximum weight and dimensions for acceptance are less than UPS’s and the packages could technically be refused. (Recent discovery!)

The old addresses (4881 Taylor Circle, 5010 University Drive) will continue to behave the same as they did before. They will not pass address validation by websites, but not all websites require it yet. The new address will pass address validation.

5006 University Drive, Unit 370
Collegedale, TN 37313

P.O. Box 370
Collegedale, TN 37315

5010 University Dr.
Collegedale, TN 37315

Event Schedules

Fall 2020

Links for New Students (Sample Scheudles)

Links for Advisors


SOC Links

SouthernResources (last edited 2024-10-02 18:39:11 by scot)