HW09: Google Cloud Setup

Getting your Google Machine up and running

  1. Create a google account at https://cloud.google.com/free/ using your @southern.edu account (add $50 to your $300 by following the directions on the announcement)

  2. Create a Linux machine and install dotnet core 2.1 on it.
  3. Edit your machine to have a static external IP (not ephemeral)
  4. Create a simple dotnet core asp.net application on your linux server set it to load on your internal IP
    1. see: this page and the hint below the link to this page.
  5. Test it using your external IP (Give Dr. A your external IP and show him the working page)

WebServices/ProgrammingHomeworks/HW09 (last edited 2019-05-15 21:00:13 by scot)