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Editor: yakko
Revision 9 as of 2009-04-07 15:14:10
Size: 3951
Editor: 24-183-238-75
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= Writing Technical Papers (in LaTeX) =

This section draws heavily from work at my Alma Mater ([[http://cse.unl.edu/~goddard/WritingResources/|UNL]] - specifically Dr. Godddard's Writing Resources site)

== Standard Technical Paper Templates

The standard outline presented here, in different forms, is a tool to assist you in writing technical papers (especially in computer science). It is relevant for a wide range of, but not every single, type of technical paper. It is certainly appropriate for Master's and Ph.D. theses, for conference and journal papers, and for technical reports. It is also appropriate for proposals, although the speculative nature of a project or thesis proposal requires some adaptation of the form. It is less appropriate for user documentation, but still explicitly represents a number of important issues that must be handled when writing product manuals. These outlines were first created by [[niehaus@eecs.ukans.edu|Douglas Niehaus ]], then modified by [[goddard@cse.unl.edu>|Steve Goddard]] and finally reproduced and edited here by [[scot@southern.edu|Scot Anderson]].

  * MS Word
    * [[attachment:Generic-Technical-Paper-Skeleton.doc|Source]]
    * [[attachment:Generic-Technical-Paper-Skeleton.pdf|PDF]]
  * LaTeX
    * [[attachment:generic-template.tex|Source]]
    * PostScript
    * [[attachment:generic-template.pdf|PDF]]
  * Short HTML version
    * [[attachment:ShortTemplate.htm|Short Proposal/Paper Template]]

== Reviewing Technical Papers ==

Many students do not know how to review a technical paper. It is important to learn for (at least) two reasons. First, you may be asked to review a confernce or journal paper. Second, you should always know your audience. Knowing what reviewers are looking for makes it easier to write a paper that they will understand (and like).

  * Prof. John Ousterhout (Berkeley) has a writeup on [[http://swig.stanford.edu/~fox/paper_writing.html#rev|reviewing papers]] (available through Prof. Fox's page).

= Using LaTeX Tips and Tricks =

Looking for a template: LatexTemplate

I use wmf2eps which is an excellent program. Here are a few issues to keep in mind:

   1. When using \psfrag, always make sure your excel, visio, ... files use ONE letter substitutions. If you use more than one letter, MS products put them in as individual letters instead of strings (which is what psfrag is looking for).
Line 3: Line 37:
There are two ways to use LaTeX. Inline: {{{[[latex2(\LaTeX)]]}}} which produces: [[latex2(\LaTeX)]] There are two ways to use LaTeX. Inline: {{{<<latex(\LaTeX)>>}}} which produces: <<latex(\LaTeX)>>
Line 5: Line 39:
{{{#!latex2 {{{#!latex
Line 14: Line 48:
= Using LaTeX Tips and Tricks =

I use wmf2eps which is an excellent program. Here are a few issues to keep in mind:

   1. When using \psfrag, always make sure your excel, visio, ... files use ONE letter substitutions. If you use more than one letter, MS products put them in as individual letters instead of strings (which is what psfrag is looking for).
= Example Constructs for LaTeX =
Line 27: Line 57:
{{{ {{{#!latex
Line 35: Line 65:
{\bf input:} Matrix $M$ representing a gap-graph over $n+1$ vertices.\\ {\bf output:} True or False depending on whether $M$ is satisfiable. \\ \\ m := 0 \\ {\bf repeat} \= \\ {\bf input:} Matrix $M$ representing a gap-graph over $n+1$ vertices.\\
{\bf output:} True or False depending on whether $M$ is satisfiable. \\
\\ m := 0 \\
{\bf repeat} \= \\
Line 39: Line 72:
          \> \> \> {\bf for} \= k := 0 to n {\bf do}
          \> \> \> \> $M[i,j] :=
max(M[i,j],M[i,k]+M[k,j])$ \\
          \> \> \> {\bf for} \= k := 0 to n {\bf do} \\
          \> \> \> \> $M[i,j] := max(M[i,j],M[i,k]+M[k,j])$ \\

= Writing Technical Papers (in LaTeX) =

This section draws heavily from work at my Alma Mater (UNL - specifically Dr. Godddard's Writing Resources site)

== Standard Technical Paper Templates

The standard outline presented here, in different forms, is a tool to assist you in writing technical papers (especially in computer science). It is relevant for a wide range of, but not every single, type of technical paper. It is certainly appropriate for Master's and Ph.D. theses, for conference and journal papers, and for technical reports. It is also appropriate for proposals, although the speculative nature of a project or thesis proposal requires some adaptation of the form. It is less appropriate for user documentation, but still explicitly represents a number of important issues that must be handled when writing product manuals. These outlines were first created by Douglas Niehaus, then modified by Steve Goddard and finally reproduced and edited here by Scot Anderson.

Reviewing Technical Papers

Many students do not know how to review a technical paper. It is important to learn for (at least) two reasons. First, you may be asked to review a confernce or journal paper. Second, you should always know your audience. Knowing what reviewers are looking for makes it easier to write a paper that they will understand (and like).

  • Prof. John Ousterhout (Berkeley) has a writeup on reviewing papers (available through Prof. Fox's page).

Using LaTeX Tips and Tricks

Looking for a template: LatexTemplate

I use wmf2eps which is an excellent program. Here are a few issues to keep in mind:

  1. When using \psfrag, always make sure your excel, visio, ... files use ONE letter substitutions. If you use more than one letter, MS products put them in as individual letters instead of strings (which is what psfrag is looking for).

Using LaTeX on this site

There are two ways to use LaTeX. Inline: <<latex(\LaTeX)>> which produces: <<latex(\LaTeX)>>

Or for extended paragraphs see the code that produced this \LaTeX 

For more examples see LatexPreamble and LatexArticle

Example Constructs for LaTeX

Algorithm Template

Don't forget that

  • \= sets a tab
  • \> uses it

  • \\ ends a line (every line!)

{\bf  Sat(M,n)} \\
{\bf input:} Matrix $M$ representing a gap-graph over $n+1$ vertices.\\ 
{\bf output:} True or False depending on whether $M$ is satisfiable. \\ 
\\ m := 0 \\ 
{\bf repeat} \= \\
          \> m := m + 1 \\
          \> {\bf for} \= i := 0 to n {\bf do} \\
          \>           \> {\bf for} \= j := 0 to n {\bf do} \\
          \>           \>           \> {\bf for} \= k := 0 to n {\bf do} \\
          \>           \>           \>           \> $M[i,j] := max(M[i,j],M[i,k]+M[k,j])$ \\
          \>           \>           \> {\bf end-for} \\
          \>           \> {\bf end-for} \\
          \> {\bf end-for} \\
{\bf until}  $m = \log(n+1)$ \\
Flag := True \\
{\bf for} \= i := 0 to n {\bf do} \\
          \> {\bf if} \= $M[i,i] > 0$ {\bf then} \\
          \>          \> Flag := False \\
{\bf end-for} \\
{\bf return}(Flag)

WritingTechnicalPapersInLaTeX (last edited 2024-06-12 16:17:29 by scot)