
DES programming Assignment

You must implement the following interface that I will use to grade your DES implementation: IdesGradeable. You may also wish to use an abstract class called AdesHelpers, but it is not required. Also the lecture notes that go with this assignment can be found here. The programming lecture notes can be found here Cptr427DesProgrammingLecture

RSA Lecture

For this section you will need the RsaNotes and the MillerRabin algorithm. Details on the assignment will come later.

General Requirements:

Secure Computing Chapter Summaries

  1. SecureComputingChapter01

  2. SecureComputingChapter02

  3. SecureComputingChapter12

  4. SecureComputingChapter02

  5. SecureComputingChapter03

  6. SecureComputingChapter05

  7. SecureComputingChapter07

  8. SecureComputingChapter08

  9. SecureComputingChapter10

  10. SecureComputingChapter11

Hacking Exposed Chapters

Make sure to include your quiz with answers here after you have given it!

  1. HackingExposedChapter01

  2. HackingExposedChapter02

  3. HackingExposedChapter03

  4. HackingExposedChapter04

  5. HackingExposedChapter05

  6. HackingExposedChapter06

  7. HackingExposedChapter07

  8. HackingExposedChapter08

  9. HackingExposedChapter09

  10. HackingExposedChapter10

  11. HackingExposedChapter11

  12. HackingExposedChapter12