Differences between revisions 4 and 58 (spanning 54 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2009-03-25 23:43:43
Size: 747
Editor: 24-183-238-75
Revision 58 as of 2012-12-31 04:16:02
Size: 1447
Editor: 24-151-197-61
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== CPTR 427 Network Security Class == = CPTR 427 Network Security Class Wiki =
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== Labs == This page contains resources for Network Security CPTR 427. For assignments etc. see the [[https://eclass.e.southern.edu|Eclass website]].
For information on '''what you should already know''', take a look at [[NetworkSecurity/Prerequisites]].
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'''SSL and code signing lab''': == Topics and resources ==
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Hints: To get a code signing template to show up on the web page, you need to add it to the templates. Just go into the CA and right click templates and select new.... DO NOT ADD your site to the trusted sites list in windows. This will cause you problems. If at first you don't succeed, close it all and restart IE.    * /NetworkSecurityEssentials4 notes from the book used in 2013.
   * [[/Lab]]
   * [[/Tools]]
   * [[/Programs]]
   * [[/Hacking]]
   * [[/Encryption]]
   * [[/Spam]]
   * [[/FireWall]]
   * [[/Topics]]
   * [[http://facultyfp.salisbury.edu/despickler/personal/CryptTools.asp|Cryptotools]] from AMS/MAA conference 2011 by Dr. Don Spickler.
   * [[http://www.backtrack-linux.org/|Backtrack Penetration Testing]]
   * Two proxy tools that allow editing and observing http(s) are [[NetworkSecurity/WebScarab|Web scarab]] and [[http://www.parosproxy.org/|Paros Proxy]] - there is also some nice proxies specifically for firefox.
   * [[http://www.securitywizardry.com/radar.htm|A nice dashboard]]
   * [[http://osvdb.org/|Open Source Vulnerability Database]]
   * Back in the stone age Dr. A took a course called [[Csce877]].
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'''RSAT''' (Remote Server Administration Tools) has replaced (somewhat) the Support Tools. At any rate you can get them here:
   * [[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9FF6E897-23CE-4A36-B7FC-D52065DE9960&displaylang=en]]
== Books Used in this Class ==
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'''Recommended Additional Books'''

   * [[http://www.snort.org/assets/125/snort_manual-2_8_5_1.pdf | Snort Manual]] (Free)

== Past Year Class Pages ==

   * /Cptr427Winter2010

CPTR 427 Network Security Class Wiki

This page contains resources for Network Security CPTR 427. For assignments etc. see the Eclass website. For information on what you should already know, take a look at NetworkSecurity/Prerequisites.

Topics and resources

Books Used in this Class

Recommended Additional Books

Past Year Class Pages

NetworkSecurity (last edited 2024-01-07 18:12:17 by scot)